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Remembered Recipe - Apple and Blueberry Wine


(makes 2 gallons)

~7kg mixed apples (aimed for 80% cooking, 20% sweet)
400-500g blueberries (used 2 punnets from Sainsbury's)
2kg white sugar
Campden tablets
Yeast & nutrient (yeast used was Gervin GV5 - white fruit wine)


Put 4 litres of water into a fermenting bin, add 2 crushed campden tablets and 2 teaspoons of pectoclase. Wash apples, core them, roughly cut up, put straight into water (inside a straining bag). Add blueberries to straining bag, press gently. Dissolve sugar in warm water and add to mixture. Top up with cold water to make 1 gallon. Add yeast and nutrient.
Ferment for three days, stirring daily, then ring out all the pulp as dry as possible, crushing the fruit to extract liquid. Siphon into demijohns through a muslin. There will be a large amount of solids collecting in the muslin. Fit airlock.
Once fermentation has slowed, a large amount of solids will have already collected, rack and add an additional teaspoon of pectoclase per gallon as necessary. (I think I must have added potassium sorbate / fermentation stopper at some point too.)
Once fermentation has ceased, for each gallon add 150g of white sugar dissolved in 1 litre of water (aiming for a SG of 1.010).
Rack again once all sediment has collected (appears as though mixture will remain cloudy) then bottle.



Lovely pink colour. Definitely needed a lot of pectoclase and required back sweetening. Remains cloudy.


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